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Why South Africans Love Living in Australia

Life in Australia is uncomplicated.

Australia’s people are known for being friendly and laid-back, but they still have a lot of structure and take personal responsibility seriously. When people act like adults and respect the law and each other, crime goes down and life is generally safer and more peaceful. Why wouldn’t South Africans love living in Australia.

Taxes are actually used!

Think about all the things that might bother you, like potholes that aren’t fixed, storm drains that aren’t cleaned, trash that isn’t picked up, and broken pipes that aren’t fixed. Well, even in small towns, the services are always great, and you don’t see your taxes going to waste. This is because there are fewer people and less money in small towns.

Australia has one of the most advanced and complete infrastructures in the world because the government never stops putting money into it. This includes roads of the highest quality, public transportation like trains and buses that meet the highest international standards, and some of the largest and best-equipped state hospitals, schools, and universities in the world. Australia also has one of the most advanced and complete health care systems in the world.

Work opportunities are in abundant!

When the economy is strong and growing, there are always jobs available. Current estimates place Australia’s unemployment rate at 3.5%. This number is mostly made up of the large number of elderly people in the country, people who are unable to work, and children under 18 who are not allowed to work. In sharp contrast, South Africa’s unemployment rate is now an unstable 33.56%.

On the job market, there is almost always more demand for workers than there are open positions. Because of this, people looking for jobs in Australia can take their time to find the job or company that is the best fit for them. In South Africa, on the other hand, people are forced to take any job they can find in order to avoid being unemployed.

Skilled Professionals

Looking to live and work in Australia? As a qualified professional or tradesperson with relevant work experience, you may be eligible to apply for skilled migration to Australia.

Business Owners

If you are currently a business owner or have funds you would like to invest in Australia, you may consider applying for an Australian Business and Innovation Visa.


Whether you are a partner or parent looking to reunite with your loved ones in Australia – you could be eligible for an Australian immigration family visa.