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Ready to Fast-Track Your Skills Assessment for Australian Migration?

In an effort to facilitate the journey of skilled migrants towards permanent residency in Australia, exciting new opportunities have been introduced to simplify the skills assessment process, an essential requirement for most visa subclasses.

The Australian Government has introduced new opportunities to help you get your skills recognised faster and improve your employability in Australia.

Free Employability Assessment:

This program, supported by the Australian Government, allows you to access a free assessment from reputable skills assessment providers. This tool helps you align your skills and qualifications with Australian standards and get valuable feedback.

Skills Assessment Pilots:

These pilots, currently running, cover a wide range of sectors, such as health, engineering, ICT, accounting, education, trades and agriculture. The pilots offer different pathways to get your skills assessed faster and more easily. The pilots are:

Occupation Recognition Pilot: This pathway, specific to the aviation industry, lets you showcase your skills and experience through an evidence portfolio, without a formal skills assessment. You must hold a CASA-issued commercial pilot licence or air transport pilot licence to apply.

Job Ready Pilot: For those who have completed an Australian qualification and have relevant work experience in Australia, this route facilitates getting a full skills assessment – a crucial step towards permanent residency.

These pilots aim to streamline the skills assessment process, reducing costs and saving time. They reflect the Government’s commitment to attracting and retaining skilled migrants who can significantly contribute to Australia’s economic recovery and future growth.

Please see the Australian Government Department of Employment & Workplace Relations website for more information.

Migrate 2 Oz are dedicated to making these opportunities available for you. If you’re interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will provide you with guidance and support throughout the process, easing your journey towards permanent residency in Australia.

For more updates and vital information, keep visiting our platform. We’re committed to guiding you through your successful migration journey.

You might be interested in exploring related topics. Speaking of skills assessment, you might find it helpful to learn more about the Australian migration process on Wikipedia. Additionally, if you are interested in the aviation industry’s specific pathway for skills assessment, you can find useful information on Wikipedia.